CBD Products

CBD Products

CBD products have become very popular among the young and the old. It is being used to promote better sleep, reduce anxiety, depression, nausea, and help manage chronic pain. What's great is that there are minimal side effects, if at all.

There are so many brands available out there. How do you choose which one to try? How can you be sure it's a good brand? Is what's on the label actually what's in the bottle?

Not all CBD products are created equal. Some CBD products are mislabeled or may contain THC in amounts greater than allowable. Some brands will offer a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for potency analysis. But, what else is in your CBD?

  • Pesticides?
  • Heavy Metals?
  • Solvents?
  • Microbial?
  • Terpenes?
  • How would you even know?

When you buy our CBD products, you can be sure you are getting a product that has been vetted by a pharmacist to be of accurate potency and safe. A pharmacist has reviewed the CoAs to be free of pesticides, heavy metal, solvents, and more.

  • High quality

  • 100% legal with less than 0.3% THC

  • Non-psychoactive

We carry pharmaceutical grade CBD formulations, including tinctures, capsules, and creams. Our CBD products are available over-the-counter and do not require a prescription.

Contact us today for more information on the CBD products we carry and see if CBD may be right for you. We are happy to discuss and provide you with the information you need on CBD products.